Family Support
Addiction is often described as a “family illness or disease” as the family member who struggling in their active addiction can have significant mental, emotional, physical and financial consequences that can impact the entire family system.
Addiction to alcohol or other mood altering substances develops as a result of using substances as an unhealthy coping mechanism in an attempt to relieve/avoid physical, mental, emotional pain, internal/external stressors or other contributing factors such as underlying mental health issues, historical/current trauma and/or grief and loss issues.
The family member struggling in their active addiction may be in denial of how their substance use has progressed or they may be filled with guilt/shame and attempt to hide or minimized their substance use, or blame others/situations for their use which can lead to broken promises, a loss of trust, fear, hurt, anger and resentment.
Family members often feel hurt, helpless, fearful and/or resentful when their attempts to support the alcoholic/addict or change the situation is out of their control. Education regarding addiction can offer family members a understanding that addiction is a medical condition that is a chronic, progressive, relapsing disorder that can be treated through maintaining an abstinence based recovery program.
Recovery offers hope in breaking the cycle of addiction and healing the family system “one day at a time”.
Family Contact
Family members are encouraged to connect with Sage clinical staff for support when referring their family member. While in treatment, clients stay connected with family members via telephone, Face time, email, or Facebook.
Family Visitation
While in treatment, clients can submit passes to visit with friends or family members from 1:00PM – 4:00PM on Saturdays.
Family Counselling
Family members are offered individual support while clients are participating in treatment via telephone, Zoom or email. Conference calls or Zoom sessions are scheduled with the client, family members and a member of our clinical team in order to offer a safe environment to address any questions, concerns or expectations and establish healthy boundaries in recovery.
Family Resources
Addict in the Family: Stories of Loss, Hope, and Recovery – Beverly Conyers (2003)
Courage to Change: One Day at a Time – Al-Anon (1992)
Detachment/Enabling – Judith M. Knowlton and Rebecca D. Chaitin (1985)
Everything Changes: Help for Families of Newly Recovering Addicts ((2009)
Facing Codependence: What it is, Where it Comes From, How it Sabotages Our Lives – Pia Mellody (2003)
Hope for Today – Al–Anon (2009)
Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself: The Top 10 Survival Tips for Loving Someone with Addiction – Candace Plattor (2009)
Loving Someone in Recovery: The Answers you need when you partner is in Recovery from Addiction – Beverly Berg (2014)
The Four Agreements – Don Miguel Ruiz (1997)